ABR står för associativity-based long-lived routing,ett ad hoc-routingprotokoll.ABR is a simple andbandwidth-efficient distributed routing protocols which does notattempt to consistently maintain routing information in every node. Inan ad hoc wireless network where mobile hosts are acting as routersand where routes are made inconsistent by mobile hosts movement, wepropose an Associativity-based routing scheme where a route isselected based on nodes having associativity states that imply periodsof spatial, temporal, connection and signal stability. In this manner,the routes selected are likely to be long-lived and hence there is noneed to restart frequently, resulting in higher attainablethroughput. Our proposed protocol is based on source-initiatedon-demand routing. Route requests are broadcast on a per-needbasis. To discover shorten the route discovery time when theassociation property is violated, the localized- query and quick-abortmechanisms are respectively incorporated into the protocol. Theassociation property also allows the integration of ad hoc routinginto a base station oriented wireless LAN environment, providing thefault tolerance in times of base station failures. This draft willdescribe the protocol functions and information about packet headersand routing tables.
Artikeln skriven 2009-01-18 av Learning4sharing
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